
Week of October 6, 2024 

Tzom Gedaliah (Fast of Gedaliah) Sun, Oct. 6th, 4 Tishrei 5785

Fast Begins 5:45AM (some are machmir to begin at 5:36AM)
Selichos/Shacharis 7:45AM
Early Mincha 1:40 PM
Mincha 5:55 PM
Shkiyah 6:28 PM
Maariv 6:53 PM
Fast ends (50 min -preferable) 7:18 PM
(41 min- for those having difficulty) 7:09 PM

Bay 24th
Fast Starts – 5:36
Selichos/Shacharis – 7:00
Mincha – 6:05
Fast ends – 7:09
Maariv – 7:18

Birkat Eliyahu

Fast Begins 5:46 AM
Selihot/ Shacharit 7:00 AM
Minha/ Arvit 6:00 PM
Fast Ends 6:48 PM

Khal Chassidim
Selichos/Shacharis – 7:50AM, 8:50AM
Mincha – 6:40PM
Maariv – 7:20PM

Fast Begins: 5:45 AM
Selichos / Shacharis: 6:15 (BM), 7:15 AM (Starts Upstairs BM)
Mincha: 5:50 PM
Shkia 6:28 PM
Maariv: 6:55 PM
Fast Ends: 7:10 PM


Selichos/Shacharis-Mon 5:35,7:45 AM
Selichos/Shacharis-Tues,Wed 5:45,7:45 AM
Selichos/Shacharis – Thurs 5:30,7:45 AM          

Bay 24th
Weekdays – 6:05AM

Birkat Eliyahu
Mon- Thursday 525AM

Khal Chassidim
Weekdays – Selichos 7:50 Shacharis, 8:30 

Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh
Selichos/Shacharis – 7:30

Young Israel
M/TH: 5:40 (BM), 6:20 AM (Starts Upstairs BM)
T/W: 5:55 (BM), 6:20 AM (Starts Upstairs BM)

Agudah – 1:40
Bay 24th – 2:15
Khal Chassidim – 7:05
YZA – 2:45
YI – 6:22

Agudah – 8:30, 10:00
Bay 24th – 9:45
Khal Chassidim – 7:25
YZA – 10:00PM
YI –  M: 6:36, T: 6:34, W: 6:33, Th: 6:31 and 9:00